Assalam oalaikum,
The filth from which a momin and a namazi should protect his body and clothes is of two types:
Najasat-e-ghaleeza (heavy filth)
Najasat-e khafifa (light filth)
Najasat-e-ghaleeza includes:
Urine and excreta of human beings
Excretion of animals.
Urine if haram animals.
Blood flowing out from the body of human beings or animals.
Mouthful vomiting
Excretion of ducks and hens
Blood of nifas or hayz.
White discharge with urine or Wadi
Watery discharges or Mazi
Semen discharges or Mani
Saliva of haram animals such as dogs
Blood and fats of deceased animals.
What amount of najasat-e-ghaliza requires cleaning?
If the najasat-e-ghaliza on anyone’s body or clothes is more than 1 Dirham then cleaning it becomes mandatory or farz or else namaz will be nullified.
If it is equal to the size of 1 Dirham then cleaning it is wajib.
If the filth is less than 1 Dirham then it is Sunnah to clean it.
The method of measuring a Dirham:
As mentioned before, najasat is of 2 types:
Thick filth, which includes excreta, cow dung etc.
Light filth, which includes urine, alcohol etc.
If the filth is dense or heavy then its weight should be observed whereas in case of light filth it should be observed that to what extent it has spread.
According to Shariah the weigh of 1 Dirham equals to 4.5 Mashah and it is equal to the depth of one’s palm.
Nowadays, it is commonly believed that the urine or vomit of a newly born cannot nullify the wudhu and it paak. This is a violation of the rules of Shariah. Even though the child might be born a few hours back, yet its vomit etc is still considered to be filthy or napaak.
Besides this, it has become a trend to keep dogs as pets. The owners feel that the dog’s touch will not nullify their wudhu. As a matter of fact, a dog’s saliva is najasat and it will certainly nullify the wudhu.
Najasat-e-khafifa is of two types:
The urine of halal animals such as camels, goats etc is najasat-e-khafifa.
The droppings of haram birds such as eagle, crows etc.
If the body or clothes get soiled due to this type of najasat then what should one do?
If the najasat-e-khafifa has affected one-fourth or more than that (of a part of the body or portion of garments) then it is farz to clean it. For example: the portion of the garments means that if the this type of dirt has soiled a sleeve of the kurta then it has to be seen whether one-fourth or more than that part of the sleeve has been affected or not. If it less than 1-4rth then there is no need to clean it.
If a single drop of najasat contaminates milk or water then the milk or water is said to be najis.
If najasat-e-khafifa gets mixed with najasat-e-ghaliza then it becomes najasat-e-ghaliza.
If urine gets sprinkled on the body or clothes then the body or clothes remain paak or clean. If such a cloth is immersed into water then even the water remains clean.
If a namazi has a bottle of wine, urine or sharab in his pocket during namaz then the namaz gets invalid.
The mud or dirt of the road will not be considered to be najis until it is certain that the mud is najasat.
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amel soname
I just checked and found that my perfume contain s ethly alcohol can I still use it during salat
My teacher told me that perfume could be used as alcohol in it is of very small amount but iI don't think that it should be used during salat as there is something haraam in it so in my opinion its forbidden
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