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Monday, January 23, 2012

Rules of ablution (wudhu)

Assalam oalaikum,
Allah ta’ala says in the Quran, "O believers! When you prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows, rub your heads (with water) and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. If you are ritually impure, bathe your whole body." [5: 6].
Abu Hurairah says that he heard the Prophet (s.a.w) saying: "My followers will come with radiant faces, hands and feet on the day of judgment because of performing Wudhu. So, those who want to enhance the brightness on their face, should maintain their Wudhu". (Bukhari and Muslim).
The benefits of wudhu are plenty:
He who performs the Wudhu according to Sunnah, his sins will depart from his body, even from under his nails.” (Muslim)
Whoever performs Wudhu according to Sunnah, his previous sins will be forgiven and his Salat and walking to the mosque will be considered as supererogatory act of worship.” (Muslim).
“The adornment of the believer (in Jannah) will reach the places where the water of Wudhu reaches (his body).” (Muslim).
Maintaining wudhu is a sign of Iman. “… and no one preserves their wudhu except a Believer.” (Ibn Maajah, Saheeh)

The rules of performing wudhu:
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: "Verily actions of people are judged by their intention and there is reward/punishment according to the quality of the intention". (Muslim) Make intention (niyah) of Wudhu in heart before starting it and it is better to say it by tongue too.
Tasmiya: The Prophet (s.a.w) said: "Make Wudhu in the name of
Allah". (Bukhari) In Islam, the name of Allah is recited before activities "Bismillah al Rahman alRahim" (I begin with the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful).
The hands should be washed thrice.
Rinse the mouth thrice. This is called Al Madmadah. Siwak or Miswak (brushing the teeth) during wudhu is Sunnah.
Using your right hand take water into nose and use the left hand’s little finger to rub the nostril to flush it out. This is to be done three times.
Wash the whole face thrice. The Prophet (s.a.w) used to run his wet fingers through his beard". (Tirmidhi)
Wash the arms, including elbows thrice. Wash the right hand and arm first including the elbow, thrice and then wash the left hand the same way.
Wipe the top of the Head (Masha in Arabic). It is mentioned in the Qur’an that when you make Wudhu, “ Famsahu biru’usikum (rub your top of the head (5:6).
The Sunnah way of doing this step is by wiping over your head with both the hands, wet with fresh water. The hands should be moved from front to back of the head and then brought back to the front again Bukhari and Muslim).
Once you finish wiping the top of your head, wipe your ears by entering your two fingers into the ears and wiping them around, back and forth. Then wipe the back portion of both ears with your fingers at the same time. (Ibn Majah).
Wash your feet including ankles thrice. The Qur’an says, “Wash your feet including your ankles (5:6). Wash your right foot thrice times and then the left one. To ensure that the water enters in-between the toes, wipe the in-between areas with fingers. Once you make Wudhu and wear leather or even thick socks then whenever you need to remake your Wudhu then simply wiping over feet (masha) is allowed for a day and night for residents (Muqim) and three days and nights for travelers (Musafir).
According to Hazrat Umar (ra), Prophet Mohamamd (s.a.w) used to recite the Tashahhud after wudhu (I bear witness there is no God but Allah. God is One and there is no partner to Him and I bear witness that Muhammad (s.a.w) is the servant and messenger of Allah (Muslim).
Lastly dry yourself after completing the Wudhu. Hazrat A`isha (ra) said that the Prophet (s.a.w) had a cloth which he used to dry himself after making Wudu. (Al Tirmidhi)

It should be kept in mind that clean water should be used in moderation for wudhu to avoid wastage.

Wudhu may get nullified in the following cases:
Passing stools, urine or wind.
Sexual intercourse
Discharge of any kind from the sexual organs
Eating camel's meat.
Deep sleeping in which a person may lose consciousness.
Loss of consciousness due to insanity, fainting, etc.
Touching one’s sexual organs deliberately, directly and unclothed.
Watch this video for getting a clear idea about doing wudhu.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

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